Thursday, March 11, 2010

Snowbells and Screen Porches

Today the thermometer is pushing 70 degrees in Cleveland and the sun feels great. There are signs of Spring everywhere. Monday morning when I went outside to jump in my car to head to work, there they were. The very first sure sign of Spring....The Snowbell. These delicate tiny white flowers that poke their way through the snow, dirt, and winter grime. They do not last long, but they bring me such joy to see them.

The weather today makes me dream of Summer-time and when I think Summer, I think about my screened-in porch. I love, love, love my porch. It is tiny and nothing fancy, but I have the most comfortable outdoor sofa and it is my ultimate favorite place to be. It is where I eat breakfast, read, catch up on e-mails (and this year possibly write blog posts), cuddle with Oliver, have summery cocktails with friends, and take snoozes.
When I was scanning Town & Country magazine this month I found a book I can't wait to pick up called, Perfect Porches by Paula S. Wallace. It sounds great for anyone who loves "living outdoors" and is chock full of gorgeous pictures of glamorous porches. Paula hails from Savannah and is the President of SCAD, so you can only imagine. Southerners know how to "porch" (and yes, I did just make the word a verb). It is available at if you want to grab it.
I am off to take Ollie for a l....o....n....g walk. Hope your day has been as beautiful!

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